Why is speed of this project such a crawl

You might be wondering why this project is sitting idly for so long. After all for about three years of existence this project didn't progressed too far.

The reason is that my life expenses for year 2007 increased from about $1000/year to $15000/year. There is no way to earn such a large amount of money in such a short time without devoting almost all of my time to that money making. The unfortunate result of this need is reduction of my spare time from about 120 hours/month to less than 4 hours/month.

Will monetary support help you?

Of course it would!

The SourceForge site which is hosting this project provides a facility that allows users to donate money to projects using PayPal. More information about it is available here.

Until recently this facility was useless for this project but thankfully to God, PayPal (the money transfer mechanism used for the donation facility) started to support Slovakia well enough to make this facility actually useful even for me. Therefore you can make your donation here.

Will any other support help you?

If you are brave enough, you can try to read and understand the incomplete documentation of my ideas in this project. Then you may download the snapshot and try to install and use it. If you are successfull, get into the code in the snapshot to see how things are supposed to be in OSHS. And when all of this didn't discouraged you from helping the project, you can finally try to contact me about the project but don't expect fast responses (after all how quickly can a person respond when he has only 4 hours per month to generate them).